Ignoring data is keeping you from hitting origination goals.

Spend time on data, increases enterprise wide sales and marketing efficiency. Common sense, right? Nope. 33% of our new clients in the Commercial Finance space cannot easily produce a simple database of targets for email, direct mail, etc. 43%: The average invalid contact data percentage of a database we start working with 60% of our […]

I think the gap between Marketing and Sales…is Marketing’s fault.

I hold the Marketing truths of new media, content marketing and demand generation to be self-evident, that the benefit for all sales teams are created equal. Bunk. Now that I have Marketer’s blood pressure up, let me explain. I have written in the past on the innovation of Marketing in recent years. Demand Generation, Social, […]

Increase sales by 10-20% doing something really simple.

In this massively competitive market, could there be a “simple” way to increase sales by 10-20%? We think so. From construction to industrial to high tech, we find there is one very simple marketing and sales activity that is rarely used. A simple monthly email of equipment specials, finance rates, promotions, and heaven forbid…your opinion […]

Is middle market a real thing?

Growing up a deal guy, I’ve often been astounded at the brave new levels of “finance geek” we can speak to each other. I’ve managed a ton of relationships in the middle market, smaller business and large corporate space and the one thing I have found is that rarely do the actual companies identify with […]

The secret of making events worth the money

Trade shows upon trade shows (viva Las Vegas). Conferences and Association gatherings. Golf scrambles and charity events. They might be fun, but do they make you money? Worst answer imaginable: “I don’t know”. You’d be stunned how often people actually do this: they invest in the event, then just show up with booth, business cards […]

2 ways to waste money on a marketing firm.

1. Pick a firm with no experience in your business Oh we know, they all say their in-depth, up-front consultative approach (that you pay for in an in-depth, up-front kind of way) gives them the learning foundation they need to sell your stuff. Would you hire a senior salesperson with little experience in your business […]

Scary Equipment Dealer Websites – Do you have one?

Just because you don’t have the marketing bucks that the manufacturers you sell have, doesn’t mean you can’t look at least as sharp and be as effective. The big difference is that you don’t have lots of paid people paying attention daily to the effort. And you don’t have to, just a little effort can […]

Equipment Finance – It’s about the asset, dummy.

An infographic on common life cycles of different asset classes. Tell the story of a key relationship that depends on leasing to best manage a type of asset Tell the story of your asset managers and how they do what they do Use humor, be provocative in your messaging and by all means…speak English not […]

The haphazard use of UCC data as a marketing tool

For years, most of you have only flirted with leveraging UCC data in your sales and marketing efforts. One could easily make the argument that the quality of your data, dramatically impacts your sales performance. Some interesting facts to note: 69% of finance companies are “dissatisfied” with the quality of their CRM and prospect data. […]