Equipment Finance Marketing

From Banks and Independents to Vertical Specialists and Vendor Shops

Equipment financing is about more than financing. Be different. Tell a better story. Get more done.

Let us guess, 100% financing, tax benefits, cash flow enhancement and you have great people? That’s what everyone says. Real marketing to differentiate and elevate equipment finance brands requires new thinking and a bolder approach. Sawbux can help you make it happen. We’re low-cost, high-value marketers with front line experience in all parts of the capstack.

And we help you do more deals.

Over 20 years of experience solving for the business development interests of the equipment finance industry

Recent engagements

Increase in online applications from newly established industry vertical
+ 0 %
Increase in qualified lead generation resulting in over $65MM in fundings over 12 months
+ 0 %
Increase in quoted opportunities with a new digital marketing effort for a specific, high-growth asset class
+ 0 %

What problem can we help you solve?