Using Legal and Credit to get more sales calls. Wait, huh?

Your secret weapon in parting the great sea of sameness…our affectionate name for financial marketing and sales-speak…might just be a surprise to you. At the end of the day, the financial solution you deliver is shaped by more than your sales brilliance. It is the expertise, and no offense sales teams, decision making authority of […]

Dealer marketing and opportunities for growth

Capital expenditure decisions have been really, really tough the last several years. Companies hoarding cash, afraid to grow, extending the life cycles from trucks to servers into the absolutely ridiculous. Maintenance and service expense is starting to really eat clients alive and the economy is improving. We saw some of the pent of demand for […]

B2B: Top 3 ways to sell relationship, before you’re in a relationship.

“I feel ya man”. Love that phrase. Often we hear people in the business utter phrases like, “What we do is really a commodity. Our people are what make the difference”. “Or, it’s the relationships that set us apart not an offering or capability.” I feel ya man. But it’s kinda hard for a prospect […]

Is marketing innovating while sales is selling like it’s 1990?

In Q4, I resolved to ask the senior sales and origination leaders of our newly on-boarded clients the same two questions. What is inbound marketing? What is content marketing? The answers, God love ‘em, were awful. They didn’t really know. As I continued to present the value of and importance of these concepts, they became […]

B2B Lending: 10 Marketing phrases to avoid…

Partner. Unless you are an equity investor, you’re not a partner.  Better to call yourself an investor.  By loaning money you are actually more of an investor than a partner. Great Customer Service:  Who says their customer service sucks? Ease of doing business:  Again, who says they are damn near impossible to work with We […]

Marketing ideas for end of finance term renewals…

Fill the top of the funnel.  We spend just huge time there in the equipment finance business.  But how big is the hole in the bucket?  You know, the existing customers that have a deal expiring and end up doing the refinance with a competitor. These guys already know you and have bought something from […]

White guys can’t dance: Marketing Section 179

Ever notice most stereotypes are that for good reason?  “Jocks are dumb”.  “White guys can’t dance”.  I personally take major objection to those two.  But, in rare moments of honest reflection, most of the guys I played ball with weren’t real smart and most of my fraternity brothers were biting their lower lip on the […]